Farmer Responses to Brexit An examination of different outlooks to Brexit – Briefing Note 4
The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union presents multiple uncertainties for farm management planning.
The consequences of the EU’s withdrawal on Scottish agriculture have been explored in terms of various scenarios towards future trading relationships. This briefing provides a complement to understand the type of farmer responses towards a set of Brexit related questions about opportunities and limitations from withdrawal from the EU.
The briefing presents the findings from a survey of 2,494 farmers, crofters and smallholders, run during the summer of 2018, on their approaches towards farming and how this may affect Brexit planning.
The briefing can be downloaded in full below. For any further details, or questions or comments, please contacted Professor Andrew Barnes ( or Jenny MacMillan (
Farmer Responses to Brexit: An examination of different outlooks to Brexit – Briefing Note 4
This work was funded under the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme under the Rural Industries work package, specifically the ‘Resilience of rural economies to key external drivers’ (RD 2.4.1) and ‘How rural economies can adapt to key external drivers’ (RD 2.4.2) work streams. The authors are also grateful for funding under the BBSRC Global Food Security Programme ‘Livestock’s role in food system resilience in remote, upland regions’ (Grant No. BB/R005648/1).