The Brexit clock is ticking – are you ignoring the alarm?
Despite over 2 years since the invoking of Article 50 to initiate the UK’s withdrawal from the EU many businesses, including farmers, remain uncertain of what the impacts on their business would be – and as a result many have not taken any action to prepare themselves for a worse-case scenario.
In an article written for SAC Consulting’s Adviser Magazine (September 2019) Steven Thomson, Senior Agricultural Economist and Policy Advisor at SRUC, discusses what might impact on businesses under this worse case scenario, and the importance of businesses, and farmers, planning for Brexit. He highlights that it is worth starting to consider the potential impacts that different Brexit issues may have on your business’ bottom line and on cashflow, and what would you / could you do if things become tough. the article highlights a few small examples of how Brexit may impact your business, and how to perhaps make changes to mitigate impacts.
To read and download the full article please follow the link below. For any comments, questions or queries please visit our contact pages, or email Steven directly on
The Brexit clock is ticking – are you ignoring the alarm – September 2019
This research was funded by part of the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme 2016-2021.